Media ID   0156-B    

Early morning talkback (1985) on Radio Pacific about the Homosexual Law Reform Bill

Unique ID



Odette (Radio Pacific host), talkback callers, unidentified speakers

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Source tape





ca 1985



Radio Pacific



Radio Pacific

Recorded by


Graham Underhill

Deposited by


Graham Underhill


Sound quality – a slight whistle due to radio reception


This summary gives general themes as to the content of this recording. It is not a verbatim transcript. Always refer back to the original audio. This is a working document and any amendments/corrections are welcome.



Caller: Peter – Age of consent.. Do young men need more protection than young women.. Odette – he is going into a deviance..



Odette – could you tell me why an older man would want a law that would allow him to have sex with a sixteen year old.. I would be against lesbian relationships .. it can lead to psychological problems .. Naval sailors going on shore, getting drunk and having homosexual experiences..



Odette - So should we be embracing incest? Differences between boys and girls of that age.. I’ve lost respect for the homosexual community since they’re asking for the age of consent to be sixteen.. Maybe the age of adulthood for everything should be eighteen.



Odette – I remember going to a Select Committee and hearing a submission that the age of consent for girls should be twelve.



Odette – All I can say is that my son is over the age of sixteen so it’s not for me to worry about .. Caller: Peter – what if he’s homosexual.. sometimes we have to exercise self restraint..



Odette – It’s like recruiting agencies in schools.. My opinion is I don’t like it..



Caller: John – Why are you anti-homosexual.. we are what we are.. Odette - Why do you want to come out .. you’re flaunting your sexuality.. We’re too frightened to come out .. I can’t come out at work .. I’m in a world where I’m not welcome



Odette – If we accept the argument ‘what do you do in private’ .. then we should accept incest



Age of consent ..Guardianship Act ..



Odette – you’re talking through a hole in your head.. I’m anti everybody on this programme..



Caller: John – I’m so worked up about this petition.. ten year olds are signing.. I was brought up in the country.. I’m Christian and I’m gay .. I can’t come out ..discrimination..



Odette – I’m not anti-gay.. but if there is to be Law Reform then the age of consent should be twenty.



Caller: Graham – It’s about consent.. we are not talking about murder or incest ..



Odette – Once you start opening the door.. It’s not universal in the US.. adultery in this country..



Caller: Graham - The Bible.. should pork be made illegal.. Keith Hay.. There’s a lot of people who aren’t Christian in this country.. You better cut your throat if you’re not into rugby, racing and beer.



Caller: Graham - Seduction myth.. heterosexual experiences..



Odette – AIDS – we shouldn’t be putting boys of sixteen at risk.. new group of recruits very much at risk.. 70% of AIDS victims are homosexuals..



Caller: Graham - There is very little help from Government so far..



Odette – there is only one cure, or one way of containing it .. Practice monogamy .. the answer lies in the hands of the homosexuals..



Caller Graham: Many gay men are married in this country .. bisexuals



Odette – why don’t homosexuals contain it .. don’t spread it to sixteen years old.. why would you want to give him AIDS.. what about the saliva..



Odette – this microphone would need to be taken away and soaked in Janola..



Caller: Female - Who would past the Bill? Parliament.. Has anybody asked me? When I get AIDS who is to blame? Who signed the Bill .. AIDS is sweeping our country ..We women are having breakdowns because we can’t control our nerves .. Mothers and wives would suffer .. children will turn homosexual because it’s legal.. I’ve got to go to my doctor to steady my nerves.. Parents have had their rights taken away from them



Caller: Female - What about the husbands who turn homosexual .. what about their children.. We will suffer.. what happens when I’m eighty and see my grandson turn that way.. They need to respect the parents.. it’s a two way street.. Wandering off into another paddock.. I know a man with AIDS who came back to his wife to die.



Caller: Female - Please stop this terrible debate on homosexuality!



Caller: Female - Is there a word such as a homophobic? Many people seem to think that gays are monsters.. Flamboyant.. AIDS.. many different groups have AIDS.. would promiscuity settle down if they were able to live un-harassed in stable relationships.. I was going to say that I was Christian, but now I don’t want to label myself like that.