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Serials ListLAGANZ has prepared a Statement on Harmful Content and Inclusive Description for users of this finding aid. STA to UND
STAFF Agence Editoriale STALLION. (Herd Publishing) Alexandria, NSW. STALLION: the magazine of the alternative lifestyle.
New York 1(Ap1982)- The STAMP; newsletter of the Gay Movement of Bergen
English ed. (Homofil Bevegelse i Bergen). Bergen no1 ( 1979)- STAR. (Seruse Pty Ltd) Sydney. [No. 1(1979)]?-6no21(18Ap1985) STAR Distributors STAR observer (Gay Publications Co-operative Ltd)
Sydney. no1(2My1985)-?(1986) STAR of the North Publishing Co. STARKOY, Joel M. STARS: worlds largest gay correspondence magazine.
Washington DC no1 (1978)-(1987)? STICHTUNG Dialoog STICHTUNG Homologie STIFELSEN Rosa Triangeln STILONE Pty Ltd. STONEWALL Group. Annual Report. London. STONEWALL news. (Stonewall Lobby Group) London. STONEWALL news. New York. STONEWALL Press Ltd STOP the violence. (New York City Gay and lesbian
Anti-violence Project) New York. STRAIGHT to hell: the Manhattan review of unnatural
acts. New York. STREET scene. (ONTOP) Wellington. no1(Nov1998)-? STREET-TALK. (Volunteer Community Street Patrol)
Woolahra. 1(Jul1992?)-? STUD: all male action newspaper. National edition. New
York. STUD: male nudist review. (Trojan Book Service)
Philadelphia. STUDIO magazines Pty. STUDENT gay and lesbian gaily news (Gay and Lesbian
Campus Collective) Parkeville. 1(1988)-? STUURGROEP AIDS Preventie Homos SUDWIND: die schwule Zeitschrift in Munchen. Munich.
no1(1987)- SUNDAY magazine. Auckland. SUPPORT: newsletter for PWAs, PWARC's &
(Howard Brown Memorial Clinic) Chicago. SUPPORT: medical supplement. (Howard Brown Memorial
Clinic) Chicago. SYDNEY and beyond: a gay guide for visitors and
residents. (Southpaw press) Sydney. (1987)- SYDNEY cruiser. (Cruiser Publications) Sydney.
1no5(D1980)-? SYDNEY Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras newsletter (Sydney
Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Association) Sydney. no1(1989)- SYDNEY Gay Centre. Bulletin. Sydney. SYDNEY gay guide. (CAMP Lobby, NSW) Sydney.
(1980)-(1984) SYDNEY Gay Liberation. Newsletter. Sydney.
no1(Jl1972)-9(Jl1973) SYDNEY Gay Liberation SYDNEY gay news. Sydney. no1(1984)-? SYDNEY Gay Sports Association SYDNEY gayline news. (Gays Counselling Service of NSW)
Sydney. SYDNEY star. Sydney. no1( 1979)-? SYDNEY star observer (Australian Co-operative Media
Enterprises Ltd) Melbourne. no58(24Jl1987)- SYDNEY'S star observer (Gay Publications Co-operative
Ltd) Sydney. ?-57(Jl1987) SYDNEY'S village voice. (Lidovent Pty Lyd) Sydney no. (
)-?( 1988) SYMPOSIUM T.W.N.: the weekly news. Miami, F1. (1977)- T.W.T.: this week in Texas. (Montrose Ventures Inc.)
Houston. T.W.T.: this week in Texas. (Texas Weekly Times
Newspaper Co.) Dallas, TX. TABLET: the national catholic weekly. Dunedin
103no13(5Ap1978)-? TABULAR information on legal instruments dealing with
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). (World Health Organisation)
Geneva. (Je1986)- TADEVAN Holdings TAGG newsletter TALKABOUT: newsletter of People Living with AIDS,
(People Living With AIDS, NSW) Sydney, NSW. (Feb1989)- TAMAKI Makaurau lesbian newsletter. Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland.
1no1(S1990)- TARANAKI Gay Group. TAGG newsletter. New Plymouth. TARANAKI Gay Society. Newsletter. New Plymouth.
no1(11S1978)-1979 TARANAKI lesbian newsletter. (Dorothy) New Plymouth,
no.1(n.d.1993)-2001? TARGET Studios TASK force report. (National Gay Task Force) New York.
8no4(S/Oc1981)-? TASK force update. (Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights
Task Force) New York. TAURANGA'S kontact. (Kontact) Tauranga.
no1(1981)-30(Ap1985) TAURUS Society. Newsletter. Hamilton. no1(16Sep1988)-? TAVEBOOK Pty Ltd. TE HUTHY Club TEAM punks. (Le Salon) San Francisco. 1no1(n.d.)-? TECHNOLOGY Productions TELEWOMAN a women's newsletter. Pleasant Hill, CA. TELS quels: AR info. (Antenne Rose) Brussels.
no43(Ja1986)- TEMA international. (International Gay and Lesbian
Rights Commission) San Francisco. TEN percent. (Browning Grace Communications) San
Francisco. 1(Winter1993)-? TEN percent. (University of California at Los Angeles)
Los Angeles. TERRENCE Higgins Trust The TEXAS triangle: the lesbian and gay news weekly.
Austin, TX. THARUNKA. (University of New South Wales Students
Union) Sydney THAT New Magazine Inc. THESMOPHORIA: voice of the new women's religion. (Coven
of the Goddess) Oakland, CA. ? - 9no4(Hallowmas1987) THINK pink. (Young Gays Group) Auckland. (Jl1989)- THIS month in California ... Arizona. Palm Springs, CA. THREE G's Club. Newsletter. Rotorua. THUD: the best guide to gay ... (Urban Diversions Ltd)
London. THUNDER gay magazine. (Gays of Thunder Bay) Thunder
Bay, Ont. TIDE Publications TIJDSCHRIFT voor homologie TIME. [Australasian ed.] Sydney. TIME for lesbian & gay youth. (Auckland Lesbian Gay
Youth) Auckland. 1(N/D1990)-? TIME out. London. (1968)- TIROHIA - Focus. (New Zealand Human Rights Commission)
Auckland. (N1990)- TOLERANCE. (Campaign for Tolerance) Auckland.
no1(D1985)-? TOMATO Publications TOO hot to handle. (In Touch International
Publications) North Hollywood. 1(1977)- TOOTH and nail; Bay Area women's liberation. San
Francisco. 1( 1969?)- TOP guide to Amsterdam (Excellent Publications)
Amsterdam. TOPMAN. New York. 1(1980)-3no23(20 Sept1982) TORCH Publications TORSO. (Varsity Communications) New York. no1(Je1982)- TRACES: sporen in literatur en kunsten. Amsterdam. no1(
1987)-? TRANS action: social science and modern society.
Riverside NJ. 1(N1963)-? TRANSCARE. (Minorities Trust) Wellington
1(Ag1987)-28(1992)? TRANS-SCRIBE. (Hedesthia) Auckland.
1no17(F1978)-8no2(Je/Jl1989) TREATMENT issues: the GMHC newsletter of experimental
AIDS therapies. (Gay Men's Health Crisis) New York. TRIANGLE. (Pink Triangle Services) Ottawa. TRIANGLE Television. Newsletter. Auckland. TRIBUS magazine. Paris. TRIUMPH in 86 (San Francisco Arts and Athletics) San
Francisco. 1(Ja1984)-? TRIVIA; a journal of ideas. North Amherst, MA.
no1(Fall1982)-no35(n.d.) TRIX. Auckland. (no date) TROJAN Book Service TU TAKATAAPUI. (New Zealand AIDS Foundation) Auckland.
1(N1997)- TUMANAKO Vitabank TURNABOUT. (Executive Imports) New York 1(n.d.)- TWIN cities gaze: the news bi-weekly for the twin
cities gay/lesbian community. (Gaze Media) Minneapolis, MN
(Oc1985)-(22Ag1986); 1no17(6S1986) TWITCH: Honolulu's magazine for gay men and women.
(Printers Ink Ltd.) Honolulu 1- 2. (New Zealand AIDS Foundation) U.S. Male. (Prowler Press) London. UNCUT: the magazine of the natural man. (Crete
international) San Francisco. 1(Apr1986)-? UNDERGROUND press: a village newsletter. (Underground
Leathers) New York. 1(1990)-? |
Last updated: 24 Mar 2023 |
Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ) |