Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa

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Digital Archive Project

LAGANZ is embarking on a project to commission a digital archive platform for New Zealand's LGBTTFIQ+ communities.

Our Goal

Our goal is to commission a digital archive platform that will enable us to collect, manage, digitise, preserve and provide online access to the rich materials we hold for the LGBTTIFQ+ communities. We will need to establish the funding and capability to not only commission it but also to sustain it over the long term.

Two principles or concepts from Māoritanga guide and inspire us in our efforts to collect, preserve and make available the records of our LGBTTFIQ+ communities. They have informed our thinking and vision for commissioning a digital archive platfiorm:

  • Whanaungatanga - working together to support each other across all generations; a relationship through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging;
  • Whakapapa - descent from one's ancestors, the people who have come before us.

We are grateful for the funding support we have received to date from the Rainbow Wellbeing Legacy Fund that has enabled us to do preparatory work on digitisation, digital collecting and developing plans for commissioning a digital archive platform.

Upcoming Public Meetings and Online Forums

We are running a series of meetings and online forums via Zoom to share our plans, solicit ideas and feedback from our communities, and to seek direct community involvement from volunteers and those who want to support us in other ways.

Upcoming Public Meetings and Online Forums and Workshops

Upcoming LAGANZ Digital Archive Project Workshops, Public Meetings and Online Forums
Date/Time Description Contact

POSTPONED Indefinitely
Zoom meeting ID:

Inclusive Description - LAGANZ Digital Archive Project - In Person and Online Workshop

This workshop has been postponed indefinitely.

The Metadata Working Group plans to run a workshop to get feedback from community members on our proposals to modernise, and make more inclusive, the subject terms and other forms of description we use to aid discovery and access to collection items.

Background: LAGANZ's metadata framework will determine how we describe our collections, items in those collections and the digital versions of those collection items. We plan to utlise the Dublin Core's DCMI Terms as well as specific controlled vocabularies that can be applied to the metadata describing LAGANZ collections and items.

Please email board@laganz.org.nz or txt Gavin Hamilton (021) 0200 7913 for more details.

Material and Summaries from Previous Public Meetings and Online Forums

  • Metadata Framework - 2 Nov 2022 - LAGANZ Digital Archive Project - Online Workshop
  • Collecting LGBTTIFQ+ Social Media Content - 15 Oct 2022 - LAGANZ Digital Archive Project - Online Workshop
  • Website Redevelopment - 2 Apr 2022 - LAGANZ Digital Archive Project - Online Workshop

    • Presentation slides and notes in PDF format: laganz-website-redevelopment-workshop-1-slides-2-apr-2022.pdf [PDF, 882 KB]
    • We had a small group of 7 attendees at this workshop. Our focus was on capturing our goals for the website redevelopment and exploring the range of skills and activities needed to begin this work.

  • Metadata Framework - 23 Mar 2022 - LAGANZ Digital Archive Project - Online Workshop

  • Fundraising Ideas - 18 Mar 2022 - LAGANZ Digital Archive Project - Online Workshop

  • Public Meeting and Forum - October 2021 - LAGANZ Digital Archive Project

    • Summary of the key points of feedback and actions that are helping to shape our Digital Archve plans:

      • General encouragement for the Digital Archive initiative amongst LGBTTIFQ+ community.
      • Acknowledgement that inclusivity is key.
      • Continue to build relationships with LGBTTIFIQ+ community groups and other cultural institutions for their support and advice.
      • Need to increase the size, salary of proposed Digital Archivist role.
      • Suggestions of possible grant sources in the health sector (link to LGBTTIFQ+ wellbeing) as well as cultural sector.
      • Worthwhile improving the website in short-term to serve as better showcase for the collections and the project.
      • Diverse funding streams, not just grants, are needed to make the Digital Archive sustainable long term.
      • Opportunities to collaborate with Australian Queer Archives eg sharing research into digital archive platform options and collection metadata frameworks.

How to Get Involved

We would welcome interest from volunteers, as well as from people who have expertise in the area of digitisation and digital archive practice.

We plan to set up structures that will allow for contributions from people of all backgrounds to support the development of our digital archive.

Please visit Volunteers to see how to contact us, stay in touch and get involved.





Last updated: 25 Apr 2024

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/lgarchivesnz | instagram.com/kawemahara