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Serials List

LAGANZ has prepared a Statement on Harmful Content and Inclusive Description for users of this finding aid.



The GATHERING community. (San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of Integrity Inc.) San Francisco.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Ag1989)

GAY. Sydney. [no1(1973)]-
Sex magazine. Issues undated. Formerly known as Little Butch.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no9(n.d.1973?); [Stack 3] , nos 35, 45, 86, 92, 132(Sept1986)-133

The GAY. Braga, Portugal.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1 issue, no date [has NZ content]

GAY: Revue mensuelle de 1'homosexualite. Brussels.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no15(Dec1979)

GAY: America's first gay weekly. New York. 1(D1969)-113(Je1994)
Edited by Lige Clark and Jack Nicholls.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no10(Apr1970), 1no27-28(Aug1970)

GAY Action Alliance
NORTH Eastern Australia gay guide
WORD is out

GAY Action Group. Newsletter. Auckland. ([Jl1985])-?
Only one issue?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] ([Jl1985?])

The GAY activist (Gay Activists Alliance) New York. 1( 1969)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 5no1(F/Mr1976)

GAY Activists Alliance
BOILED sweets

GAY Activists' Society (University of Canterbury)
UNIVERSITY of Canterbury Gay Activists' Society

GAY age. (Sydney Gay Youth Group) Sydney no1(Oct1985)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Oct1985)

GAY agenda [Amsterdam]
G.A.: Gay agenda

GAY agenda. (Gay Union of Tertiary Staff) Sydney. 1(autumn1979)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(autumn1979)

GAY Amsterdam
G.A.: Gay Amsterdam

GAY and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders
GLAD briefs

GAY and Lesbian Alliance (Dunedin)
see also
GALA: newsletter

GAY and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (New York). The GLAAD bulletin. New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Oct/Nov1989)

GAY and Lesbian Campus Collective
see also
STUDENT gay and lesbian gaily news

GAY and Lesbian Community Center of Baltimore
BALTIMORE gaypaper

GAY and Lesbian Community Center of San Bernardino
PAC [calendar of events]

GAY and Lesbian Community Services Center, Los Angeles
IN house news
see also
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center

GAY and Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California.

GAY and Lesbian Parents Coalition International
NETWORK: newsletter ...

GAY and lesbian review worldwide. Boston, MA. 7no1(2000)-
Continues Harvard gay and lesbian review.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 7no2(2000)-9no2(2002)

GAY and Lesbian Rights Lobby. The Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby newsletter. Sydney.
Supersedes a publication issued under its earlier name: Gay Rights Lobby.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no2(Nov1989), (Ja1992)

GAY and lesbian times. San Diego, CA.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no293 (Ag1993) - occasional issues only

GAY archivist (Canadian Gay Archives) Toronto. no1(My1977)-
ISSN 0714-3605 Suspended 1982-1985. Superseded by Lesbian and gay archivist.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(My1977)-4(S1981), 5(Je1986)-6(Je1998)

GAY Arts Support Group. [Newsletter] Auckland. (1985?)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] [S1985?], Mr1986, My1986

GAY Asian Pacific Alliance
see also
LAVENDER godzilla

GAY Asians Toronto

GAY Association of South Africa
see also
LINK = Skakel

GAY Atheists League of America. GALA review. San Francisco. 1(Mr1978)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Mr1978)-12no3(My1989)

GAY Auckland. Auckland. 1(Feb1989)-3(Je/Jl1989)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Feb1989)-3(Je/Jl1989)

GAY Australia guide. (Gay Travel Guides Pty) Double Bay, NSW. 1(2001)–
Published quarterly. Format varies
LAGANZ: [Stack 1, 2] 2001, ‘edition 3’(My/Jl2002)

GAY blade. (Gay Community Centre of Saskatoon) Saskatoon. 1(My1977)-(Ap1978)
"Saskatoon Gay Community Centre Newsletter"
Supersedes Gay Community Centre of Saskatoon. Newsletter
Superseded by Gaze
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no4(Oc1977)

GAY Book Club

GAY boy. Los Angeles. 1(n.d.)-1no5(n.d.)
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no3(n.d.)

GAY changes. (Adelaide Homosexual Alliance) no1(Ag1977)-2no4([1979]
ISSN 0155-1248
LAGANZ: [Stack 1]1no1(Ag1977)-1no5/6(D1977), 2no1(Spring 1978)-2no4([1979])

GAY Chicago magazine. (Ultra Ink Inc) Chicago
Supersedes Gay Chicago
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 9no33(Ag1986), 12no10(9Mar.1989), 12no21(My1989)

GAY Christian: journal of the Gay Christian Movement. (Gay Christian Movement) London. no5(My1977)-
Supersedes its Bulletin
To no24 subtitle as "Bulletin of the Gay Christian Movement".
ISSN 0140-7694
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no11(D1978)-34(N1984), 36(Jl1985)
Index to Bulletin nos 1-5, Gay Christian nos 6-20.

GAY Christian Group. Newsletter. Wellington. (My1997)-(F2003).
Continued by Wellington Gay Christian group newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (My1997)- (F2003)

GAY Christian Movement. Annual report. London
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1984)-(1985)

GAY Christian Movement. GCM pamphlets. London. no1(1978)-
Monographic series: issues appear in different reprint editions. Each issue has a distinctive title and is catalogued and classified separately. ISSN 0140-5993 Includes as subseries Michael Harding Memorial Lecture.
Some also as "A Gay Christian Movement Publication": some issues lack numbering
LAGANZ: [For holdings locations see card catalogue] no1(1978)-7(1980)

GAY Christian Movement. Working paper. London. no1(n.d.)-
ISSN 0142-7296
Each issue has a distinctive title: catalogued and classified as monographs.
LAGANZ: [Classified] no1(n.d.)-3(n.d.)

GAY Christian Network (AngGays Collective) [Sydney] 1(D1984)-
ISSN 0814-8384
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(D1984)-1no3(Je1985)

GAY Church of New Zealand. Newsletter outreach. Wellington. 1(DJe1985).
Only one issue. 1no1 is in two parts.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(Je1985) [2 parts]

GAY clips. [no place] 1-
Collections of press clippings from US gay press.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no12(Jl1985)-13, 3no1(Ja1986)

GAY Club H.B. Newsletter. Napier.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] ([Oc1986]), see also set in LAGANZ-MS-Papers-0403

GAY comix. San Francisco. no1(S1980)-
Edited by Bob Ross, Robert Triptow and others.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no5(1984), no7(Sept.1986)-9(winter1986/7)

GAY Community Alliance. News magazine, Los Angeles.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Oct1971)

GAY Community Center [Honolulu]
see also
GAY community news [Honolulu]

GAY Community Center of Philadelphia
KATER street

GAY Community Center of the District of Columbia. Newsletter. Washington D.C.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no8(Mr1980)

GAY Community Centre [Auckland]. Gay community centre news. Auckland. 1(6D1985)-4(My1986)?
Title varies: some issues as "Newsletter"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(6D1985)-2(n.d.), 4(My1986)

GAY Community Centre of Saskatoon
GAY blade

GAY community news [Boston].
see also
GREAT GCN summer literary supplement.
GAY community news book review.

GAY community news [Boston]. (Bromfield Street Educational Foundation) Boston. 1(Je1973)-?
ISSN 0147-1728 Final issue April 1993
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 4no41(9Apr.1977), 6no25(Ja1979), 6no41(My1979), 49-50; 7no1-7no27, 7no29-7no50; 8no1-8no50; 9no1-9no50; 10no1-10no50; 11no1-11no50; 12no1(Jl1984)-24, 26-50; 13no1-11, 13-50; 14no1-49; 15no1-49; 16no1-49; 17no1-49; 18no1((Jl1990)-18no33(Mr1991)

GAY Community news [Dublin]. Dublin. no1( )-(1993).
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no13(Oct1989)- no36 [lacks some issues],
Jul/Aug 1992.

GAY Community news [Honolulu]. (Gay Community Center) Honolulu 1-
Also as Gay Community news Hawaii and Western States.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 16no4(1988)-16no5(My1989), 17no8, 18no6, 19no4, 19no6, 19no9 (1992).

GAY community news [Melbourne]. Melbourne etc. 1(N1979)-4no10 (D1982/Ja1983)
Superseded by Outrage
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(N1979)-4no10(D1982/Ja1983)

GAY community news book review. Boston.
"Supplement to Gay Community news."
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] Nov1980, Feb1981*, Apr1981, Aug1981

GAY community pamphlets. (Hope Brook Commune) New Salem, Mass.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no3(1975)= Calamus; a gay national flower.

GAY counselling [date], (Gays Counselling Service of N.S.W.) Sydney. (1980)-?
1980 published by CAMP Lobby Ltd for CAMP NSW.
Each issue has a distinctive title.
Works in this monographic series are individually catalogued and classified.
ISSN 0705-5935
LAGANZ: [Classified] (1980)-(1985)

GAY counselling news. (Gay Counselling Service of New South Wales) Sydney. no1(Ja1982)-28(Jul1989)
Supersedes CAMP NSW newsletter, ISSN 0314-1209.
To no4 published by CAMP Lobby Ltd.
ISSN 0725-5268
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Ja1982)-26, 28(Jul1989)

GAY Counselling Service of New South Wales.
GAY counselling news.

GAY credo. (Christs Community Church) Adelaide 1974-1975?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no1(Ja1975)-2no3(Mr1975)

GAY crusader. (Gay Crusaders of America) San Francisco. 1(1972?)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no33(S1976)

GAY Crusaders of America
GAY crusader

GAY era. Lancaster, PA.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1 issue(n.d.)

GAY health update. (Victorian AIDS Council) Richmond, Vic. no1(Ap1985)-112(1987)
ISSN 0815-5879
Produced by Gay Publications Co-operative for the VAC
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no7-9, 11-27, 29-109(N1987)

GAY Health Workers Alliance, Auckland. Newsletter. Auckland. no1(30Ag1979)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(30Ag1979)-6(17Ap1980)

GAY images. (Perth Gay Liberation) Perth 1( 1978)-3no2(Jl1981)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no1(F1980)-2(Mr1980), 3no1(Je1981)-3no2(Jl1981)

GAY information. Darlinghurst no1(Ap1980)-17/18(1987/88)
ISSN 0150-6926 ?
Suspended 1983-85
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Ap1980)-17/18(1987/88)

GAY Information Centre. [Newsletter] Christchurch.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Jl1980-N1980, F1981-Ap1981, Ag1981-F/Mr1982

GAY infos. Paris.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no48(Nov1988), no50-51(F1989), 60-61(D1989)

GAY insurgent: a gay left journal. (Lavender Archives) Philadelphia. no1-
ISSN 0163-9837
Supersedes Midwest gay academic journal
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no6(Summer1980)

GAY international news. London.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(Mr1972), no4(Ag/S1972)-5(N/D1972)

GAY journal. Heidelberg.
ISSN 07226608
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no5(1977), 28, 30, 49, 51/52 [Stack 2] 55(Ju11981), 60, 62-70(Oct982)

De GAY krant
see also
GEI Pravda

De GAY krant. Best 1(D1979)-
Numbered in annual series, ?-1987.
Includes as separately paged supplement "AIDS Info" q.v.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 5no8(Ag1984), 1985no8(Aug1985)-1987no12; no96(Ja1988)-187 (S1991).

GAY left; a socialist journal produced by gay people. London. no1(Autumn1975)-10(Jun.1980)
ISSN 0307-9813. Published by Gay Left Collective.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(spring1976)-3(autumn1976), 7(winter1978)-8, 10(June1980)

GAY Legal Rights Coalition. Bulletin. Fitzroy, Vic. no1(1983)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(1983)

GAY Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Glaad newsletter. New York
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Winter/Spring. 1989)

GAY/ Lesbian Welfare Group
OPEN door

GAY lib news. (Gay Liberation, Auckland) Auckland. (N1972)-(Ag1973)
To My1973 with imprint of Gay Liberation Front, N.Z.
Supersedes its GLF newsletter. Superseded by Gay liberator.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (N1972)-(Ag1973)

GAY lib news. (Sydney Gay Liberation) Sydney. no10 (Jl1973)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 10(Jl1973)-11(Ag1973), 15(D1973)

GAY Liberation, Auckland.
GAY liberator

GAY Liberation, University of Western Australia.
CAMPAIGN Against Moral Persecution, Western Australia.
CAMP gay news.

GAY Liberation Front, Auckland. Newsletter. Auckland. no1(My1972)-5(Oc1972)?
Continued by Gay lib news.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(My1972)-5(Oc1972)

GAY Liberation Front, Auckland
see also
GAY lib news

GAY Liberation Front, Christchurch. Newsletter. Christchurch. (?1972)-(S1974)
Some issues with imprint as "Christchurch Gay Liberation Front". Title varies. Superseded by Aequus.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Jl1972, S1972, Ja1973-S1974

GAY Liberation Front, Christchurch.
see also

GAY Liberation Front, N.Z.
GAY lib news

GAY Liberation Front, Taranaki
GAY Liberation Taranaki

GAY Liberation Front, Victoria University of Wellington
GAY Liberation Front, Wellington. Newsletter.

GAY Liberation Front, Wellington. Newsletter. Wellington. no1(1972)-?( 1974)
Some issues jointly published with Gay Liberation Front, Victoria University of Wellington. Superseded by Wellington Gay Liberation. Newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(S1972), 27Oc1972, Mr1973, Je1973-no8(D1973), 2no1(F1974), Jl1974

GAY liberation news from Florida. (Joel M. Starkoy) Boca Raton, F1. no1(?date)-4(Ap?1976)
Continued by Florida gay liberation news.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4(Ap?1976)

GAY liberation press. Sydney. no1(Je1974)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Je1974), no4(Oc1974)

GAY liberator. (Gay Liberation, Auckland) Auckland.
Supersedes Gay lib news. Superseded by New Zealand gay news.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] S/Oc1973, F1974-Je1974, Spring1974, Ja/F1975-Mr1975

GAY liberator. Detroit. 1970-?
Supersedes Detroit gay liberator
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no26(Ap/My1973)-27(Je1973), no48(spring 1976)

GAY life. (Gay Life Collective) Manchester. no1(Je1986)?-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no19(D1987)

GAY life: most complete & up-to-date gay guide. San Francisco.
Also known as American gay life.
Superseded by: American gay life?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Aug[1978])-(Sept.[1978])

GAY life; the midwest gay newsletter. Metro ed. (Yourstyle Publ.) Chicago.
Continued by Chicago gay life?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 6no9(Aug1980)

GAY life; the midwestern gay weekly. (Yourstyle Publishers Inc.) Chicago. 8no (1982)-
Continues Chicago gay life.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 8no21(4N1982)-8no34(3F1983)

GAY Life Collective
GAY Life [Manchester]

GAY London Police Monitoring Group
GALOP: Gay London Police Monitoring Group

GAY lutheran. (Lutherans Concerned for Gay People) Salt Lake City, Utah. no1(1974)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no3(N/D1974), 7(Jl/Oc1975)

GAY Men Fighting AIDS
F***sheet: the journal of Gay men Fighting AIDS

GAY Men of African Descent (GMAD). GMAD calendar. New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Sept/Oct1989)

GAY Men's Community Health Centre.
see also
VICTORIAN AIDS Council. The Journal.

GAY Men's Community Health Centre. Annual report. Melbourne. (1986/87)-?
Absorbed by the "Annual report of the Victorian AIDS Council".
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1986/87)

GAY Men's Health Crisis
see also
HEALTH letter

GAY Men's Health Crisis Inc. Annual report. New York
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1984), (1986/7)-(1987/8)

GAY Men's Health Crisis. G.M.H.C. newsletter. New York. 1(Jl1982)-?
no1 also called: AID; acquired immune deficiency.
no2 also called: AIDS; acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Superseded by Health letter?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Jl1982)-2(Ja1983)

GAY men's newsletter. (LAGER: Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights) London.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4(Winter1987/8)-11(Spr1990)

GAY news [London, 1972-1983]. London. no1(1972)-263(Ap1983)
Resumes as a monthly newsmagazine in August 1983 as The New gay news (q.v.)
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no28(Ag1973), 32, 34*, 42-43, 48, 63, 78, 81-85, 88-91, 93, 95, 98-99, 101-103, 105-107, 114, 134-135, 139, 147-149, 151-160, 182-183, 186-190, 220, 225, 229-241, 243, 245-249, 251-259, 261-263(Ap1983)
[some issues mutilated]

GAY news [London, 1984-1985]. (Gay News Publishing Ltd) London no11(19Ja1984)-46(20Je1985)
Continues The New gay news.
Absorbed by Gay Times.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no11(19Ja1984), 13, 15-18, 22-25, 27-29, 32-38, 40-46(20 Jun.1985) [Some issues imperfect]

GAY news Germany; Pressedienst fur homosexuelle Thematik. Hamburg.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no68(N1976)-77(Ag1977) [xerox copies]

GAY news Germany; Pressedienst fur homosexuelle Thematik: Boy love news. Hamburg.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no30(N1976)-37(Je1977), 39(Ag1977) [xerox copies]

GAY News Publishing Ltd
The NEW gay news
GAY news.

GAY news-telegraph
see also
OUT & out

The GAY news-telegraph. (Plasa Publishing Co.) St Louis, MO. no1(Oc1981)-?
Includes as separate section: "Huzza: the Gay News-Telegraph magazine"; later "Out & out" q.v.
Superseded by The Lesbian and Gay news-telegraph.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 7no2(N1987), 7no5-7no8(My1988)

GAY Norway; bulletin. Oslo.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Ja1979, Mr1979, Ja1981-Ap1981, no5(Je1981)

GAY Olympic Games, San Francisco, 1982.
GAY Olympics newsletter

GAY Olympics newsletter. (Gay Olympic Games, San Francisco, 1982) San Francisco.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no4(Mr1982)-1no6(May1982)

GAY pravda
GEI pravda

GAY Press Association. GPA newsletter. Dallas.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Jul1981

GAY Publications Cooperative Ltd
AIDS action
GAY health update
MELBOURNE'S star observer
SYDNEY'S star observer

GAY Publishing Collective. Newsletter. Auckland. (Oc1976)-(S1977)
Only four issues?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Oc1976)-(N1976),(Mr1977),(27S1977)

GAY Publishing Collective
see also
NEW ZEALAND gay news

GAY Research Group. Bulletin. [n.p.] no1(Ja1979)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Ja1979)

GAY Rights Association, Belfast
NORTHERN Ireland Gay Rights Association (NIGRA)

GAY Rights Commission (Auckland). Update from the Commission. Auckland (Apr1989)-?
Also known as "Te ROOPU (Ma Nga Tikanga) Tamapiri o Tamaki Makaurau. He Paanui" Only one issue?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Apr1989)

GAY Rights Lobby. G.R.L.; a periodic newsletter from Gay Rights Lobby. Sydney. no1(1983)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(S1983)-6(S1984)

GAY Rights National Lobby

GAY rights news. (American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California. Gay Rights Chapter) Los Angeles.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 6no2(Ap1981)

GAY Scandinavia. (COQ International) Holbaek, Denmark.
LAGANZ: [G676] (1983)-(1984)

GAY scene [Napier, NZ]
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (F1988)

GAY scene [New York]. (Regiment Publications) New York. 1(1970)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] v8no11(Apr.1978)*, 9no4, 8, 10-11; 10no10; 12no3, 6, 8-9, 12; 13no2, 4-5, 7, 10; 14no.4-6, 8; 16no7-9; 17no2, 4, 8, 10-11, 18no1(Je1987); 21no4*(S1990)

GAY scene; an Indian newsletter on gay communication. Calcutta. no1( )-?
Edited and published by Druva Roy-Chowdhury.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(N/D1980) [xerox copy]

GAY Scotland. (Scottish Homosexual Rights Group) Edinburgh. no1(Mr/Ap1982)-no73(N1993)
Supersedes Gay Scotland: the monthly newsletter of the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group ISSN 0142-0313.
Superseded by Scotsgay.
ISSN 0142-0303
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Mr/Ap1982)-no74 (N1993)

GAY Scotland: the monthly newsletter of the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group. (Scottish Homosexual Rights Group) Edinburgh (N1978)-(Ja1982)
ISSN 0140-0313
Supersedes Scottish Minorities Group. SMG news ISSN 01404830
Superseded by Gay Scotland ISSN 0142-0303
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] N1978-F1979, Ap1979-S1980, N1980-Ja1982

GAY Social Group Taranaki
GAY liberation Taranaki

GAY Solidarity newsletter. Broadway, NSW. 1(Ap1979)-2no2( 1982)?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(Ap1979), 1no3(Ag/S1979), 1no5(Ag1980), (Ju11988)

GAY star. (Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association) Belfast. no1(Je1980)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Je1980)-2(Jl/Ag1980),7-9,[10?],12]-13(Spring1984), 16(summer1985)-17(Winter1986)

GAY sunshine. San Francisco no1(Ag1970)-4no6(1981)
Editor: Winston Leyland.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no8(Aug1971), no11(F/Mr1972), 29/30(Spring/Fall1976)-32(Spring1977)

GAY Task Force [Auckland]. Newsletter. Auckland no1(D1984)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(D1984)

GAY Task Force [Wellington]. Activities notes. Wellington. no1(2My1985)-5(4Jl1985)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(2My1985)-1no5(4Jl1985)

GAY Task Force [Wellington]. Newsletter. Wellington. [no1(N1984)]-4(Mr1985); (?27Mr1986)-(29Ap1986)
Title and numbering begin no2([D1984])-4(Mr1985). Later issues are newssheets to supporters.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] [no1(N1984)]-29Ap1986

GAY Teachers and Students Group, Melbourne. Newsletter. Melbourne. (My/Je1977)?-3no6(Je1980)
Title varies. Supersedes Melbourne Gay Teachers Group. Newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] My/Je1977-N1977, Ap/My1978, D/Ja1979, 2no1(F1979)-2no2(Mr1979), 2no4(Je1979), 3no6(Je1980)

GAY Teachers Association. Newsletter. New York 1(1978)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 6no8(N1983), 7no2, 7no5, 8no5-6no6(Je1985)

GAY Teachers Union, Christchurch. Newsletter. Christchurch. (My1978)-no4(Jl1980)
Irregularly numbered
Superseded by Gays in Education [Christchurch]. [Newsletter]
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (My1978)-no4(Jl1980)

GAY times. (Millivres Ltd) London. no.69(May1984)-
Continues numbering of HIM gay reporter, which also appears as a parallel title at first, later changed to Him monthly and finally as "Incorporates Him monthly"; Absorbed Gay news with no82, becoming Gay Times, incorporating Gay news.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 69(My1984)-73, 75-125, 127-138, 140, 142-43, 145-147, 149-232 [broken 1990-1996], 271-288, 326(Nov.2005)-.

GAY times: the fun gay paper. (Gay Times Publications) London. no1( 1978)-?
Taken over by the publisher Millivres?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no3(Ju11978)

GAY tourist information. (Stuurgroep AIDS Preventie Homos) Amsterdam. 1(1990)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no1(1990)

GAY trade unions (Gay Trade Unionists Group) Newtown, NSW. no1( 1978)-13( 1980)?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no7(Jl/Ag1979)-12(Mr/Ap1980)

GAY Union of Tertiary Staff
GAY agenda

GAY update (Northern Ireland Gay Rights Assn.) Belfast.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4(S1985)

GAY Writers' Club. [Newsletter] Dunedin ([F1984])?-?(Ap/My1984)
Only two issues?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] ([F1984]), (Ap/My1984)

GAY Youth Community Coalition of the Bay Area
GAY youth community news

GAY youth community news. (Gay Youth Community Coalition of the Bay Area) San Francisco. 1(Jl1979)-3no1(Summer1982); [n.d.,1984]
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] l(Jl1979)-2no4(N1980);3no1(Summer1982); [n.d.1984] [set complete]

GAYA hidup ceria
G: gaya hidup ceria

GAYA nusantara. Surabaya, Indonesia.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no30(Je1994)-33(S1994)

GAYELLOW pages. National ed. (Renaissance House) New York. 1st ed.(197 )-?
LAGANZ: [G676.2] l0th ed(1978), 11th ed(1981), 13th(1984), 16th(1986)


GAYLY Oklahoman. (Gayly Inc.) Oklahoma City. 1(Oct.1983)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 7no4(Apr1989)

GAYME. (Zymuryy) Boston, MA. 1(1992)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1no2(1995)

GAYNZ.com update. (GayNZ.com, Auckland) 21 April 2006- "Events – people – news" Fortnightly news update. (Folded A3 sheet, sometimes with insert) Numbered from: 23(February2007)?
LAGANZ [Stack 1]: (21 April 2006)-

GAYS Counselling Service of New South Wales. Annual report. Sydney. (1982/3)-?
Supersedes CAMP Lobby Ltd. Annual report.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1982/3)-(1987/88)

GAYS Counselling Service of New South Wales
see also
GAY counselling [date]
GAY counselling news
SYDNEY gayline news

GAYS in Education, [Auckland]. Newsletter. Auckland. (?1980)-(N1981)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (S1980)-(N1981)

GAYS in Education, Christchurch. Newsletter. Christchurch. (?1981)?-(1982)
Numbered in annual series.
Supersedes Gay Teachers Union, Christchurch. Newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] N1981, no1(Ja1982)

GAYS of Ottawa. GO info. Ottawa 1(Ju11972)-ca1995.
Bilingual: also in French as Gais de 1'outaouais. GO info
ISSN 03150151
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no97(May1987)-158(Je1993), no3 (1994), Vol24no6(1995)

GAYS of Thunder Bay
see also
THUNDER gay magazine

GAY'S the Word. Newsletter. London.
"Newsletter of London's gay community bookshop". Continued by Review
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no23(Je/Jl1983); 26-27(F/Mr1984); 31(0c/N1984)

GAY'S the Word
see also
REVIEW: new lesbian and gay reading

GAYSWEEK. New York. (28F1977)-?
ISSN 0145-9104
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 3no113(Ap1979)

GAYTAS newsletter. (New South Wales Gay Teacher and Students Group) Kingsgrove, NSW. (?1978)-(1983)
ISSN 0159-1312
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Oc1978?-N1978; 7(Jl1979)-9(Ja/F1980), 11 (S/Oc1980)-14(Mr1981), 16(Ap/My1981)-20(Oc1981), 22(F1982), 24, 26, 27(S1983?)

GAYTIMES. National edition. New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no77([1981])-78, 80-84, 86([1982])

GAYZETTE: newsletter of the mixed gay movement. Carlton North, Vic.
ISSN 08137196
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no49(Apr.1989)-51(Je1988)

GAZE. (Gay Book Club) Sydney. 1(1981)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no1(F1982),[1983no2?]-1984no1(F1984), (Summer1985)

GAZE Media
TWIN cities gaze

GAZE U.S.A.: serving the national gay and lesbian community. (Gaze Media) Minneapolis. [no1](20Dec.1989)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] [no1](20Dec1989)-8(Dec1990)




Last updated: 24 Mar 2023

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/lgarchivesnz | instagram.com/kawemahara