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Serials List

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WEEKEND. Bangkok
Example of a Thai gay porn magazine. Text in Thai script.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] [two issues, 1986]

The WEEKLY news (Miami). Miami, FL.
Superseded by T.W.N.: the weekly news
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no7-2no8(Oct1982)

WEL-COM: Wellington archdiocesan communications. (Roman Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Wellington) Wellington. 1(Mr/Ap1985)-?
No1 has Cardinal Williams' statement on the Homosexual Law Reform Bill.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Mr/Ap1985)

WELFARE state. (Auckland Lesbian/Gay Welfare Group) Auckland. (Jl1986)?-?
Supersedes its AG/LWG counselling news.?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Jul1986)-(Oct1987)

WELLINGTON Bisexual Women's Group.
see also

WELLINGTON confidential. Wellington no1( )- ?
"Newsletter of socio-political intelligence"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 16(Sep/Oct1984)-25(Jan1986)

WELLINGTON Film Festival. (Wellington Film Society) Wellington. no1(1971)-
Festival programme, including many gay films.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4(1975), 6, 8-15(1986)

WELLINGTON Film Festival

WELLINGTON Gay Christian Group. Newsletter. Wellington.
Continued by Gay Christian group and Wellington Gay Christian group
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Je1994)- (D1996)

WELLINGTON Gay Liberation. Newsletter. Wellington. 1(Oc1976)-4no6(D1979)
Continues Gay Liberation Front, Wellington. Newsletter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Oc1976)-4no6(D1979)

WELLINGTON Gay Switchboard. Annual report ... Wellington. (1984)-(1985)
Superseded by Wellington Gay Welfare Group. Annual report.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1984)-(1985)

WELLINGTON Gay Welfare Group. Annual report. Wellington. (1986/7)-
Supersedes Wellington Gay Switchboard. Annual report
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1986/7)-(1988)

WELLINGTON HIV Committee. Newsletter. Wellington. no1(Oc1987)
Only one issue appeared.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Oc1987)

WELLINGTON Information for Drug Education
see also
WIDE appeal

WELLINGTON Lesbian Network. Newsletter; for lesbians only. Wellington. no1(N1979)-5(Mr/Ap1980)
Continued by Wellington lesbian newsletter; for lesbians only.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(N1979)-5(Mr/Ap1980)

WELLINGTON Lesbian newsletter; for lesbians only. (Wellington Lesbian Network) Wellington. no6(My1980)-?
Continues Wellington Lesbian Network. Newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no6(My1980), no13 (Ap1981)

LESBIAN feminist circle
GLAD rag

WELLINGTON Women's Resource Centre. Newsletter. Wellington. no1(n.d.)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(n.d.), no9(n.d.)

WEST C.A.M.P.aigner. (Campaign Against Moral Persecution. Western Australia Division) Perth. 1(F/Mr1973)-?
Supersedes Campaign circular.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(F/Mr1973), (F1988)-(Oc/N1989)

WEST Coast Angles Publishing Society
ANGLES: Vancouver's community newspaper for lesbians & gays.

WEST Hollywood paper. West Hollywood. 1(1985)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no39(15/22My1986)

WEST Village observer: the New York gay monthly. New York. (Je1989)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] (Je1989)

WESTERN Australian AIDS Council
see also
AIDS action

WESTERN Australian AIDS Council. Annual report. Perth.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1992)

WESTERN Australian AIDS Council. WAAC gazette. Perth 1(My1993)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no3(Jl1993)-4(1993)

WESTSIDE observer. Applecross, W.A. 1( 1987)-?
Community newsmagazine for Perth.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(Ag1987)-2no6(F1989),3no8, 3no35(Oc1990), 104, 105, 106 (1995)

WHAT'S goin' on! (Universal Federation of Metropolitan Community Churches, Victoria) South Yarra, 1(Ja1978)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no1(Ja1978)

WHAT'S happening in Wellington. (Evergreen Community Centre) Wellington. (F1989)-(Ag1989)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (F1989)-(Ag1989)

WHERE it's at: New York's weekly guide. (Downing's Where it's at Publishing Corp.) New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 7no34(Aug1978)

WHOLENESS: a world digest of Christian healing. (Order of St Luke) Levin. no1(1957)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no116(F1987) incl. feature on "Exodus Ministries", no118(Ag1987), 134(Ag1991)

WHO weekly. (Time Inc Magazine Co.) Milsons Point, NSW.
LAGANZ [Stack 1]: occasional issues only. no. 237(9 September1996)
[‘Girls who love girls, and have kids’]

WIDE appeal. (Wellington Information for Drug Education) Wellington. "issue Zero" i.e. no. 1(1994). Only one issue? Produced by a collective associated with the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective and operating at 282 Cuba St.
LAGANZ [Stack 1]: "issue Zero" i.e. no. 1(1994).

WILLIAM and John. (W. J. Publishing Co.) Sydney. no1(Ja1972)-8(n.d.)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Ja1972)-8([1972])

WINDY city times: Chicago's gay and lesbian newsweekly. Chicago. 1(S1985)-?
Supersedes Gaylife
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no46(Ag1986), 2no2(20c1986), 4no26(23Mr1989), 4no35(My1989)-1993 (broken holdings)

WIRES: Women's information, referral, & enquiry service. Sheffield, Oxford.
"For women only"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no154(1984)-171(1985)

WISCONSIN step. Milwaukee 1(9F1984)-
Title: (typographic variant) In step
Superseded by In step
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no9(31My/13Je1984)-11, 14-16; 2no14(21F/7Mr1985)

WITCHWORDS. (Witchwords Collective) Vancouver, BC. 1no1(Spr1988)-
"We are a group of witches who [. . .] want to establish a strong Wiccan/pagan network [...]"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Summer1988)

WITH compliments. (HIV Complementary therapies Collective) Sydney.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no2(F1993)


WOMAN. (Dunedin Collective for Women) Dunedin. no1(My1971)-121(1980)
Continues Dunedin Collective for Women. [Newsletter]
ISSN 0110-4683
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] nos 98, 110, 119
Note: Also held WTU.

WOMAN to woman. (Linda Parks) Lake Charles, LA.
Personal newsletter edited by Linda Parks issued free to lesbians and other women in prisons.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no3(My1983), 2no5-7, 3no3, 3no11(Ja1985)

WOMANEWS: N.Y.C. feminist paper and calendar of events. New York. 1(D1979)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 6 no8(S1985)-6no9(Oc1985), 8no2 (F1987)

WOMANSPIRIT. Wolf Creek, Oregon. 1no1(Aut.Equinox1974)-10no40(Summer solstice1984)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1]10no37(Ag1983)

WOMEN Against Pornography [Wellington]. Newsletter. Wellington. 1(1983)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no12(Je1987)

WOMEN and revolution. (Spartacist League. Central Committee Commission for work among Women) New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no30(winter1985/6)
[No30 has articles on AIDS]

WOMEN'S Information Network of New Zealand. WINNZ. Newsletter. Whangarei. no3(Oc1979)-11(D1981)
Continues: Womens Learning Web. Newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no6 (Jl1980)

WOMEN'S National Abortion Action Campaign. WONAAC newsletter. Wellington. no1(Ag1973)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no45(S/Oc1979)-47, 50(Aug1980)

WOMEN'S news = Bulletin femmes. (Ottawa International Women's Week Committee)
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no8(Je1987)

WOMEN'S news service. (Australian Union of Students) [n.p.]
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no21([1978]

WOMEN'S Place Bookshop
see also

WOMEN'S Place Bookshop. Bookshop news. Wellington. [1](1986)-3(Oc1987)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(Mr1987)-3(Oc1987)

WOMEN'S Resource Centre, Dunedin. Newsletter.
DUNEDIN Women's Resource Centre. Newsletter

WOMEN'S Resource Centre. Newsletter. Wellington.
"For Women only". May have started in 1981.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no14(1982)-15(1982)
Not held by WTU

The WOMEN'S review of books. (Wellesley College Centre for Research on Women) Wellesley, Mass. 1(Oct1983)-
ISSN 0738-1433
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no5(F1984)-8(My1984), 4no9 Je1987)

WOMEN'S spirituality newsletter. Auckland.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no20(May1990), 25, 27, 31, 32(Mar1993)

WOMEN'S Studies Association New Zealand Inc. Newsletter. Hamilton. 1no1(May1977)-
Place of publication varies.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1](My1977), 1no3-1no5, 4no1(N1982)-9no4(Aug1988)(lacks some issues)

WOMENS Studies Conference Papers. (Women's Studies Association
New Zealand Inc) Auckland. 1980-
"Papers of Women's Studies Association conference [Place, date]" Cover title varies in issues after 1985
ISSN 0111-8277
Continues Research Papers [year] Women's Studies.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1980)-(1982)

WOMEN’S studies journal. (Women’s Studies Association, New Zealand) Auckland. 1 no. 1(August 1984)-
ISSN 0112-4099
LAGANZ [Stack 1]: 12 no. 2(Spring 1996) [Special issue = Educating sexuality] Copy ex collection of Shane Town

WOMENS wear: the New Zealand fashion weekly. Hamilton. [no1](Aug1978)-no6(Oct1978)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Ag1978) [has article on lesbian MP Marilyn Waring].

WOMEN'S world. (Isis/Wicce) Geneva.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no18(1986)

WOMINWORDS: the newsletter of the Hamilton Women's Collective. Hamilton. (Mr1982)-?
Title varies; some as Womin Words, Womyns Words. Some published by Wominwords Collective.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Mr1982, Je1982, 20(F1984)-40(N1986) [broken holdings]

WORD is out. (Gay Action Alliance) Brisbane. no1(1981)-48(D1985)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Je/Jl1981)-3, 5-24(Jl1983), 26(S1983)-48(D1985)

WORKING girl. (Australian Prostitutes Collective, Victoria) Melbourne.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no2(Ja1988), 9(Ag1990)

WORKLOAD. (Close Up Productions) North Hollywood. no1(Jul1982)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1no1(Jul1982)

WORLD AIDS: a news magazine reporting on AIDS and development. (Panos Institute). London. 1(Jan1989)-
Co-published with the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases. ISSN 09546510
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Jan1989)

WORLD AIDS day newsletter. (World Health Organisation) Geneva.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4(Ja/F1990), no3(Je/Jl1994)

WORLD Health Organisation
see also
AIDSED newsletter
TABULAR information on legal instruments dealing with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

WORLD Health Organisation. Global Programme on AIDS. Progress report. Geneva. no3(May1988)-
Supersedes World Health Organisation. Special Programme on AIDS. Progress report.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no3(May1988)

WORLD Health Organisation. Special Programme on AIDS. Progress report. Geneva. no.1(Apr1987)-2(Nov1987)
Superseded by World Health Organisation. Global Programme on AIDS. Progress report.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Apr1987)-2(Nov1987)

WORLD Power Systems

XTRA!: the Body politik's guide to gay life in Toronto. (Pink Triangle Press) Toronto. no0(Ja1984)-
Subtitle varies. ISSN 08293384 * = issue damaged.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no28(4My1985)-32(6Jl1985), 57(2Ag1986)* 136(Nov.1989)-

XTRA WEST: Vancouver's gay and lesbian biweekly. Vancouver. (Ag1993)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1 (Ag1993)-66(F1996)

XTRA's ultimate pride guide. (Pink Triangle Press) Toronto.
Annual insert for Gay Pride Week, from XTRA, the fortnightly paper.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (2001)-(2002)

YIN newsletter (Victorian AIDS Council. VAC Support Program. North Group) Melbourne.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Mr1991), (Ap1991), (My1991)

YOUNG Gays Group
see also
THINK pink

YOUNG Gays Group Inc. Official newsletter of the Young Gays Group Inc. and the University Gays Group. Auckland (?1981)-(Ja/Mr1988)
Title varies, issues irregular and often untitled until 1984. Superseded by Playgay.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(Ap1981)-[Mr1982]; [1984]-(Ja/Mr1988)

YOUNG man's image. (Mans Image) New York.
Physique magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no6(n.d.)

The YOUNG physique. (Weider Publications) London.
Supersedes Adonis and body beautiful.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1no2(1959)

The YOUNG physique. (The Young Physique Publishing Co.) New York.
Physique magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 7no2(Mr/Ap1966)

YOUNG voices: newsletter of the Hetrick-Martin Institute. New York. 1(Je/Jl1985)-
To ? published by Youth Aid & Education Services, Institute for the Protection of Lesbian & Gay Youth.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Je/Jl1985), (Feb1989)

YOURSTYLE Publishers Inc.
GAY life

YOUTH Aid and Education Services
YOUNG voices

YOUTHLINE (Auckland). Youthline news newsletter. Auckland. Title varies.
LAGANZ [Stack 1]: March 1994 – October 1994

YOWIE. (Southern Cross Outdoors Group) Dee Why, NSW.
Numbering erratic
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 4no1(Mr/My1986), 5no3(Je/Jl1985), Ja1987, 5no2(Ap1987)-5no3(My1987)

ZERO; anarchist/anarca feminist magazine. London.
ISSN 0140-3826
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no5(F/Mr1978)

ZIPPER. London.
Also as Alex McKenna's Zipper. "Incorporating SAM magazine" Issues undated.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no7, 9-10




Last updated: 24 Mar 2023

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/lgarchivesnz | instagram.com/kawemahara