Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa

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Serials List

LAGANZ has prepared a Statement on Harmful Content and Inclusive Description for users of this finding aid.

N.G to NET


N.G.R.C. forum
NATIONAL Gay Rights Coalition [Canada]

N. G. T. F.
NATIONAL Gay Task Force

NRAM newsletter / National Register of Archives and Manuscripts. Wellington. no1(D1997)-no9(D2000)
Newsletter of the register
LAGANZ: [Stack 1]no3(Jl1998)- no9(D2000) Also held WTU

N. S. mobiliser. (National Socialist League) Los Angeles. 1(Mr 1974)-9no65(Spr. 1984)
Magazine of a group of gay neo-nazis
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 20/22(Oc/D1975), 3no26/31(Ag/S1976)

NATIONAL Association of Lesbian & Gay Alcoholism Professionals.

NAMES Project

NAMESLETTER (Names project) San Francisco. 1( 1988)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no3(Aut1989)

NAPWA news
NATIONAL Association of People With AIDS

NATALIE Barney/Edward Carpenter Library
NATIONAL Gay Archives
INTERNATIONAL Gay and Lesbian Archives

The NATION. New York.
LAGANZ holds selected issues only.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (24June1996) 'The case for gay marriage / G. Rotello'

NATIONAL AIDS bulletin. (Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations) Canberra. 1(S1987)-12no6(Ag1999)
ISSN 1030-5289. Continued by HIV Australia.
Includes as supplement National AIDS information clearinghouse, ISSN 1031-9786, q.v.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(S1987)-10no2 (Mr/Ap 1996), 10no4, 11no4,5 (1997), 12no1 (Ap1998), 4-12no6(Ag 1999)

NATIONAL AIDS information clearinghouse. (Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations) Canberra. no1(1988)-1989?
ISSN 0131-9786
Supplement to National AIDS bulletin
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1( 1988)-8(Mr1989) [later issues in National AIDS Bulletin.]

see also

NATIONAL AIDS Network. NAN monitor. Washington DC 1(Je/Jl1986)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Jun/Jul1986)-3no1[i.e.3no2](Winter1988)

NATIONAL Association of Lesbian & Gay Alcoholism Professionals. Newsletter. Fort Wayne, IN. 1( )-10no2/3(Ja/Je1989)
Supersedes the Newsletter issued under its earlier name: National Association of Gay Alcoholism Professionals.
Superseded by its NALGAP reporter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 8no4(Summer1987)-10no2/3(Ja./Je.1989)

NATIONAL Association of Lesbian & Gay Alcoholism Professionals. NALGAP reporter. New York. 10no4(Summer1989)-
Supersedes its Newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 10no4(Summer1989)-12no2(Spring1991)

NATIONAL Association of People With AIDS. NAPWA news. Washington, DC. no1(Sept1985)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Sep1985)-[8](Feb1989)

NATIONAL Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research.
AUSTRALIAN H.I.V. surveillance report

NATIONAL Coalition for Gay Law Reform. Newsletter. Canberra. 1( 1989)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Dec?1989)

NATIONAL Coalition of Gay Sexually Transmitted Diseases Services. The official newsletter of the National Coalition of gay STD services. Milwaukee, WI 1(Je1979)-8no4(Winter1987)
Superseded by Sexual health reports
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 4no2(Oct1982), 6no4(Mr/Ap1985)-8no4(Winter1987)

NATIONAL Conference of Lesbians and Gay Men [Australia]
ELEVENTH National Conference of Lesbians and Gay Men

The NATIONAL gay. London. no1(?date)-42(May1987)
Supersedes OUT: the national gay.
ISSN 09506233
Absorbed within the revived magazine HIM q.v.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no30*(May1987), 34, 35*, 37, 39-42(May1987)
(Most issues mutilated)

NATIONAL Gay Archives. NGA bulletin. Hollywood. (Fall1983)
Only one issue. Continued by International Gay and Lesbian Archives. IGLA bulletin.
NGA is also known as the Natalie Barney/Edward Carpenter Library
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Fall1983)

NATIONAL Gay Federation. Publications Group.

NATIONAL Gay Lesbian Task Force
see also
ANTI-VIOLENCE project update

NATIONAL Gay Rights Advocates
see also
MONTHLY litigation update

NATIONAL Gay Rights Advocates. Annual report. San Francisco.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1988)

NATIONAL Gay Rights Advocates. ... Newsletter. San Francisco (Autumn1987)-?
Supersedes Into the courts
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Autumn1986), (Aut1987)-(Fall1989)

NATIONAL Gay Rights Coalition [Canada]. NGRC forum. Ottawa. 1(Spring1976)-3no2(Spring1978)
ISSN 0704-0598. Bilingual English/French newsletter; also as Coalition Nationale pour les Droits des Homosexuels. Forum de la CNDH. Split into Forum (English ed.)
ISSN 0708-2576 and Forum (ed. Francais) ISSN 0708-2584.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Spring1976)-1no2, 2no1-2no2(Spring1977)

NATIONAL Gay Rights Coalition of New Zealand. Newsletter. Auckland. no1(Oct1977)-2no1(May1978); (Nov1978)
Only three issues, each with a different title. no1 as News letter; 2no1 as NGRC newsletter for friends and supporters, N1978 as 1978 November newsletter - election issue.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Oc1977)-2no1(My1978); (N1978)

NATIONAL Gay Rights Coalition of New Zealand. Progress report from N.G.R.C. election campaign. [Christchurch] no1([ ])-2([ 1)
Only two issues
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] nos1-2.

NATIONAL Gay Rights Coalition of New Zealand
PINK triangle

NATIONAL Gay Task Force
see also
IT'S time
TASK force report

NATIONAL Gay Task Force. NGTF action report. New York
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (D1977)-(Ag1979)

NATIONAL Greg Weir Defence Campaign
GREG Weir defence newsletter

NATIONAL H.I.V./AIDS legal link. (AFAO Legal Project) Darlinghurst, NSW. 1(S1990)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(S1990)-3no4(D1992)

NATIONAL Health Institute, Porirua
see also
COMMUNICABLE Disease New Zealand.

NATIONAL Homosexual Conference, 5th, Melbourne, 1979. Conference news. Melbourne. no1(Mr1979)-6(S1979).
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Mr1979,3(Je1979)-6(S1979)

NATIONAL Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. NIAID AIDS agenda. Bethesda, MD.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Mar1989)

NATIONAL Lawyers Guild AIDS Network

NATIONAL Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation. NLGHF checkup. Washington DC. 1(1989)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Fall1989)-2no1(Spr1990)

NATIONAL Minority AIDS Council. Technical assistance newsletter. Washington, DC.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Mr/Ap1992)

NATIONAL news (Figcrest, London) London.
A magazine for heterosexual swingers.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no13 (no date, ca 1975)

NATIONAL Oral History Association of New Zealand. N.O.H.A.N.Z. newsletter. Wellington. no1(F1987)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(F1987)-1no2(My1987)

NATIONAL Register of Archives and Manuscripts (NZ). NRAM newsletter. Wellington. 1(1997)-9(2000)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no3(1998)-9(D2000)

NATIONAL Resource Service Coalition

NATIONAL Socialist League
N. S. mobiliser

NATIONAL star observer. (Gay Publications Co-operative) Melbourne. no1(2Ja1987)
Temporary joint issue of Sydney's Star Observer and Melbourne's Star Observer.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no1(2Jan1987) shelved with Sydney's Star Observer, another copy with Melbourne's Star observer

NATIONAL U. (Australian Union of Students) Carlton, Vic.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 10no15(15Jl1974) = Gay lib. issue; 18Oct1977. [Keep selected issues only]

NATIONAL Union of Lesbian and Male Homosexual Students.
HOMOSEXUAL news service

NATIONAL Venereology Council of Australia. Bulletin. Melbourne.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no5(My1985)

NEDERLANDSE Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit COC
see also
AIDS info
COC periodiek
COC sek
INFO: gezanenlijk informatie bulletin
see also under its earlier names: Cultuur- en Ontspannings Centrum, COC and Nederlandse Vereniging van Homofielen, COC

NEDERLANDSE Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit COC. Jaarbericht. Amsterdam.
Supersedes its Jaarverslag
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1979)

NEDERLANDSE Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit COC. Jaarverslag. Amsterdam.
Superseded by its Jaarbericht
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1972)-(1976)

NEDERLANDSE Vereniging van Homofielen, COC
see also
see also under its earlier name Cultuur- en Onspaningscentrum, COC and its later name Nederlands Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit, COC

NEDERLANDSE Vereniging voor Sexuele Hervorming (NVSH)
INFO: gazanenlijk informatie bulletin

The NEIGHBORS. (Mattachine Society. Denver Area Council) Denver. 1(Mar1961)-1no4(Jun1961)?
Supersedes Mattachine Society. Denver Area Council.

LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(Mar1961), 1no3-1no4(Jun1961)

NELSON Gay Society. Newsletter. Nelson (D[1979]/Ja1980)-?
Supersedes Nelson Gay Welfare Group. Newsletter.
Only one issue?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (D[1979]/Ja1980)

NELSON Gay Welfare Group. Newsletter. Nelson (S1979)?-?
Only one issue?
Superseded by Nelson Gay Society. Newsletter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (S1979)

NETWORK. (New Zealand AIDS Foundation) Auckland. no1(Je1986)-3no1(Apr.1991)
Supersedes its Newsletter. Superseded by AIDS Network
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Je1986)-3no1(Apr1991)

NETWORK news. (National AIDS Network) Washington DC.
"A semi-monthly service of the National AIDS Network."
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Mr1987), 1no7-8, 2no1-2, 4-6, 8, 10-11, 16, 3no1-2(Apr1989)

NETWORK: newsletter.
GLPCI network
See also
Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International.

NETWORKERS: Newsletter of Victorian Network. (Victorian Network) Melbourne.
"Newsletter for young gays and lesbians".
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2([Aug.1988]?), 3no1(Feb.1989)




Last updated: 24 Mar 2023

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/kawemahara | instagram.com/kawemahara