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Serials ListLAGANZ has prepared a Statement on Harmful Content and Inclusive Description for users of this finding aid. P.A to RUM
P.A.E. Inc. P.I. perspective P.L.S. guide. Gainesville, Fl. ( 1983)- P. T. news. (Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group)
Hobart. 1( 1994)- P. W. A. newsline. (PWA Coalition of Dallas Inc.)
Dallas, TX. P.W.A. voice: a newsletter by and for People with
AIDS/ARC. San Francisco 1(Spr1988)-? PAC [calendar of events] San Bernardino, CA. PACIFIC gay life. San Francisco. PACKAGE: Fred Halsted's journal of men, fact &
opinion. (Package Production) Los Angeles. 1(1976)- PAN international. (Forbundet of 1948) Copenhagen. PAN-BLADET: for bosser og lesbiske. (Landsforeing for
Bosser og Lesbiske, Forbundet of 1948) Copenhagen (1954)?- PANGS Institute PANUI iti: newsletter of the Human Rights Commission. (N.Z.
Human Rights Commission) Auckland. (Mar1990)-? The PAPER. Honolulu. PARAGRAPH: a quarterly of gay fiction. (Antares
Foundation) San Francisco. 1(Spr1978)-? PARENTS and Friends of Gays. Newsletter. Los Angeles.
(1976)- PARLEE. (Parlee Entertainment Magazine of America Inc.)
New York. PARRY news. ([Paremoremo Prison inmates]) Auckland
(Oct1972)-(Feb1977) The PARSONAGE news. (The Parsonage, Castro St) San
Francisco. PARTIJ van de Arbeid Homogroup PASSPORT: crossing cultures and borders. (International
Wavelength Inc.) San Francisco. no1( 1987)- PATCHWORK. Patchwork newsletter. [Brisbane] The PATLAR: voice of gay America. Sacramento. PEARSON, Nigel PEER education news. (Victorian AIDS Council)
Collingwood. PEOPLE Living with AIDS, New South Wales PEOPLE Living With AIDS Group, Canberra PEOPLE with AIDS Coalition [Los Angeles] PEOPLE with AIDS Coalition [New York] PEOPLE with AIDS Coalition [New York]. PWA coalition
newsline. New York. no.1(date? )-86(Ap1993) PEOPLE with AIDS Coalition of New York. PWACNY newsline.
New York. (N1993)-(S1994) PEOPLE with AIDS Collective [Wellington] PEOPLE with AIDS Update. (Shanti Project) San
Francisco. PEOPLES gay sunshine; a newspaper of gay males. San
Francisco PERTH Gay Liberation PETER Knight Centre PHILADELPHIA gay news. Philadelphia. The PHYSICAL man. (Man's Image Publications) New York. PHYSIQUE pictorial. (Athletic Model Guild) Los Angeles. PIASA Publishing Co. The PINK Broad. (Pink Publishing Australia Pty
Ltd) Crows Nest, NSW. PINK express: Dunedin's gay information. Dunedin.
(Sept.1990)-(N/D1994) PINK health! Lesbian and gay action for health.
[Newsletter] Auckland. Issue 1(September 1994)-? PINK paper: Britain's only national newspaper for
lesbians & gay men. London. PINK Press Publishing Co. Ltd PINK Publishing Australia Pty Ltd PINK Service PINK thylacines. (Tasmanian Gay & Lesbian Rights
Group) Hobart. No. 1 (1988)-(March 1998) PINK triangle; New Zealand's lesbian and gay community
news magazine. (Pink Triangle Publishing Collective) Wellington.
no1(Mr1979)-85(S/Oc1990) PINK Triangle Publishing Collective PINK Triangle Press PLACES of interest: gay map guide USA & Canada.
(Ferrari Publications) Phoenix, AZ. (1982)- PLACES of interest to women: woman's guide USA &
Canada. (Ferrari Publications) Phoenix. (1982)- The PLAIN truth. PLAYGAY (Young Gays Group) Auckland. (My1988)-? PLAYGIRL: entertainment for women. (Ritter/Geller
Communications Co.) Escondido CA, etc. 1(Je1973)- PLAYGIRL entertainment for women. [Australian ed.] (Tadevan
Holdings. Waterloo, NSW. no1(Apr.1985)- PLAYGIRL portfolio PLAYGIRL'S Men of Europe. (Ritter/ Geller
Communications.) Santa Monica. PLAYGUY. (Incognito Publishing Ltd) London. PLAYGUY. (Mavety Media Group Ltd) New York. 1(1979)- PLEXUS; San Francisco Bay Area women's' newspaper. San
Francisco. POLLY: Proud older lesbians like you. [Newsletter] Auckland
Established ca 1993. POLARE: the Gender Centre Service magazine. Petersen, NSW. No.
1(??)- POSITIVE living. (AIDS Resource Contact) Melbourne
1(Ag1988)- POSITIVE news. (San Francisco AIDS Foundation) San
Francisco. no1(Winter1991)- The POSITIVE side: Health Information and Viewpoints.
(Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange) Toronto. 1(Fall1991)- POSITIVELY positive: newsletter of Body Positive, New
Zealand. (Body Positive) (Je1993)- POZ. New York. no1(Ap/My1994)- PRESBYTERIAN Assembly news. (Presbyterian Church of New
Zealand. General Assembly) Wellington &c. PRESBYTERIAN Church of New Zealand PREVENTION newsletter. (New Zealand AIDS Foundation)
Auckland. 1(F1990) PRIDE. (Victorian AIDS Council) Melbourne.
13(winter1990)-1990? PRIDE Centre [Auckland]. Pride Centre news. Auckland. PRIDE Holdings Ltd (Auckland) PRIDE Institute PRIDE newsflash. (Pride Trust) Hamilton, PRIDE newsflash. (Pride Trust) Hamilton. PRINTERS Ink Ltd PRIVATE iii: the adult contact magazine. Brighton Le
Sands, NSW. [2no1](Feb1990)?- PRIVATE lives: the adult contact magazine. Upper Hutt.
1(Apr.1989)-1no9(n.d.) PROEFDING: landelyk kommunicatie bulletin. (Federatie
Studenten Werkgroepen Homoseksualiteit) Utrecht. no1(Nov1970)-? PROGNOSIS: Czechoslovakia's English language newspaper
& visitors guide. Prague. PROGRESS report from N.G.R.C. election campaign. PROJECT Inform. PI perspective. San Francisco.
no1(Apr1987)- PROJECT Sigma working paper. (University College
Cardiff. Social Research Group) Cardiff. No1(N1985)- PROWL. (Prowler Press) London. no.1- PROWLER Press. PURPLE and pink youth: newsletter for gay and lesbian
youth. Palmerston North. 1(My1990)- PURPLE press; Western Australia's first homophile
magazine... Maylands, WA. PURSUIT & Symposium. Los Angeles 1( 1967)-? PUSH Press Q. (Tea Dance Inc.) New Orleans. 1no1(15May1984)-? Q: a gay and lesbian community calendar. (New Zealand
AIDS Foundation. Wellington Office) Wellington. (Ag1991)-(Ap1994) Q!: Waikato's Uni Queer newsletter. Hamilton.
No.1(Ap1996)- Q Centaur Ltd. Q international (Q Centaur Ltd) London. no1(1978)-? Q magazine. (Push Press) Vancouver. Q. E. D.: Queer education news. (GLEE, Wellington)
no.1(Ag1993)-? Q.Q.: for gay guys. (Queen's quarterly Publishing Co.)
New York. 2no2(Spring1970)-? 11no6(D1979) Q.Q. Publishing Co. Inc. QX international: the scene and music magazine.
(Firstar Ltd) London. QUARTERLY research newsletter. (Albion Street (AIDS)
Centre) Sydney. 1(Apr1988)-2no1(Mar1989) QUEEN'S quarterly: the magazine for gay guys who have
no hang-ups. New York. 1(winter1968/69)-2no1(winter1969/70) QUEEN'S Quarterly Publishing Co. QUEENSLAND Association for Gay Law Reform QUEENSLAND gay action news. (Queensland Association for
Gay Law Reform. Cairns Branch) Cairns. QUEENSLAND Intravenous AIDS Association. QUEENSLAND pride. Mt Gravatt, Queensland. A QUEER tribe: a radical community magazine for
lesbians and gay men. (Inside Out Project) Brighton. Issue 1
(My/Je1989)-? QUEER youth chronicle. (Rainbow Youth Inc.) Auckland.
(?1995)-(1998?) QUEST: a group for homosexual Catholics. [Newsletter]
London. QUEST chronicle. (Quest, London) London. QUEST link. (Quest, London) London. QUILT project news (Australian AIDS Memorial Quilt
Project) Sydney. R & E Media Image R.F.D.; a country journal for gay men everywhere.
(Radical Faerie Digest) Wolf Creek, Oregon. 1(Fall1974)- R.G. : le mensual gai des Quebecois. (Les Editions
Homeureux) Montreal. RADICAL America. (Alternative Education Project)
Somerville, MA. RADICAL teacher: a socialist and feminist journal on
the theory and practice of teaching. (Boston Women's Teachers Group) Cambridge,
no(Dec1975)- RAINBOW Club. Newsletter. Otaki. RAINBOW times: serving the Gay, lesbian . . . (Taranaki
Pride Alliance) New Plymouth. no1(D1994)-28((Jl1999) RANGERS Motor Club Inc RAPPORT. (Youthline Counselling Service) Auckland.
1(Je1974)-5no4(Ag1980) RAVE: for gay and bisexual guys. (New Zealand AIDS
Foundation) Auckland. no1(Ja/F1992)-5(1993)? REACTIONS. Studio City, CA. REALIST. (Realist publications) Lower Hutt.
no25(S/Oc1986)-? REALITY. (Bible College of New Zealand) Auckland. RECORD. (Evangelicals Concerned Inc.) New York.
(Fall1976)- RECORD of government. (Brooker & Friend)
Wellington. RED & lavender. (Socialist Lesbians/Male
Homosexuals) Sydney. 1976?- ?1978 RED Lion Tavern [Perth] RED ribbon: tohu whakamaumahara. (New Zealand AIDS
Foundation) Auckland. [no.1](Je1993)-14(Je1995) RED ribbon: news from the New Zealand AIDS
(New Zealand AIDS Foundation) Auckland. (F1996)- REFRACTORY girl: a feminist journal. Chippendale, NSW.
no1(summer1973)- REGIMENT Publications RENAISSANCE House The REPORTER. (Gibson Inc.) San Diego. 1( Aug.1978)-? REPORTER: politik & debatt & kultur &
noejen. (Stiftelsen Rosa Triangeln) Stockholm. no1( 1986)-? RESEARCH newsletter. (Albion Street (AIDS) Centre)
Sydney. no5(Sep1989)- RESEARCH papers [date] Women's Studies. (Women's
Studies Association New Zealand RESIST. (Resist Inc.) Sommerville, MA. RE-SISTER: Leeds Anarcha-feminist magazine.
Leeds. REVIEW: a quarterly of Evangelicals Concerned Inc.
(Evangelicals Concerned) New York. 1(Fall1976)- REVIEW: new lesbian and gay reading. (Gay's the Word)
London. REVIEW of educational research. (American
Educational Research Association) Washington. Vol. 1(January 1931)- REVOLT. Aseda, Sweden. REVOLT Produkt RIDING high. Auckland. no1([1978?])-8([1980]) RIKSFORBUNDET for Sexuellt Liberattigande RITES; for lesbian and gay liberation. (Rites
Publishing) Toronto. 1(My1984)-39(F1996). The ROAR (Red Lion Tavern) Perth. ROMAN Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Wellington ROME gay news. Rome. De ROOIE vlinder. Ghent. ROOM of one's own. (Growing Room Collective) Vancouver,
BC. 1no1(Spring1975)- Te ROOPU (Mo Nga Tikanga) Tamapiri o Tamaki Makaurau.
He Paanui. ROSA; eine zeitung de Schwulen bewegung. Bielefeld. ROSA Flieder; eine schwule Zeitschrift. Nuernberg. no1(
1978)?-65(Jun/Jul1989) ROSA info. (Verein fur Sexuelle Gleichberechtigum)
Munich. ROTORUA Area Gay Social Club. RAGS mag. Rotorua
1(Jul1989)-? ROTORUA Gay Liberation Front ROUGE: a lesbian and gay socialist quarterly.
(Breakaway Publications Ltd) London. 1(winter1989/90)- ROUGE: Australian feminist newspaper. Collingwood, Vic.
no1(Je1979)-? ROY-CHOWDHURY, Druva ROYAL Commission on Social Policy. Newsletter.
Wellington. no1(Je1987)-5( 1988) ROZE vuist. (Partij van de Arbeid Homogroep) Den Haag. RUMBLINGS. (Kiwibears.k.u.b.s.) Auckland. (F1995)-? |
Last updated: 24 Mar 2023 |
Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ) |